Even the most tidy person out there eventually stares at their TV and suddenly realizes that the screen is absolutely filthy. Well if you’d like to remedy that without worrying about damaging the screen of your flat screen TV, you might want to pick up one of these TVclean. Although it looks a bit like an overpriced lint roller, it’s a device meant to clean the screen of your TV, laptop or your monitor.
You just run it on the screen and it picks up any dust on the screen, as well as cleans off things like greasy fingerprints. I’m not sure how all those fingerprints seem to accumulate on your TV and monitor, but they always seem to show up all on their own. It also as an added bonus claims to be eco-friendly, which is always nice. You can check out the video of it in use on their website. Basically how it appears is that you run it along the monitor, then pop in the cartridge and a small adhesive strip cleans off the cartridge. That adhesive strip gets tossed away. To purchase your own it will cost you £29.99 or about $49. The refills on those adhesive strips will cost you £11.99 or about $20.