Guys, if you ever wanted to buy your female significant other an electronic device as a gift, this is the one you’d be most likely to get away with. First I’d make sure that they aren’t anti-pink though. This keyboard not only has a very feminine look through the bubblegum pink color and the the pretty lettering, but it also is a Juicy Couture product. Giving them a chance to flaunt their female side and show off their love of brand name products.
Normally I’m really not all that fond of pink electronics or wearing anything Juicy Couture, but for some unknown reason I find this keyboard charming and even fun. The flexible rubber USB keyboard is built for easy transport. Just roll it up and pack it away, you won’t have to worry about this breaking. The only two things I really wish I could change is that it’d be nice to have the option to choose a different color and, of course, the price. No, $45 isn’t too bad, but it would be nice if it was just a little cheaper.