Classic as we know it, is dying. It is due to the sales of the iPod touch and iPhone are climbing, but the sales of the traditional iPod are declining.

Yes, pretty soon those iPods that were so hot a few years ago will be seen in the same light as the Sony Walkman (The ones that just played cassettes). Then I suppose all that we will have is just touchscreens, because that’s what everyone wants, right?

It would appear that Microsoft is seeing the end coming for their traditional Zunes. Yes, the Zune HD is planning on being “the” Zune as Microsoft will no longer be making the earlier version of the Zune. (Not that anyone was buying them. Oh, snap!)

Yeah, I think we all know how much people have been making fun of the Zune since its initial announcement. Perhaps this supposed iPod come lately will have a revival when the Zune HD appears on the market September 15th.

So, if you want a Zune without a touchscreen, better hurry out to the nearest store and get it. Otherwise, the only Zune you’ll be buying will have to have a touchscreen and cost $220 for 16GB and $290 for 32GB.


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