[2]-Select the object and convert into the editable poly
Select the edges mode and select the edges likes this in the top and front view port
[3]-Now apply the extrude edges and use the following setting
Your object should like this
[4]-Create two boxes with the following size
Set the boxes like this
[5]-Select the chamfer box and click on the Boolean button
Boolean the object likes this
[6]-Now your object should like this
[7]-Create a four cylinder with the following size
And set like this
[8]-Select the chamfer box and now Boolean it
[9]-Now your object should like this
[10]-Create a rectangle with the following size
Open the rendering palette and use the following setting
Now create a rectangle like this top view port
[11]-Click on the line button and create a line like this in the left view port
With the same rendering palette setting using above step
Set the two small sphere also
[12]-Now create a two chamfer box with the following size
[13]-Now this time create a two chamfer box and set like this
[14]-Open the material widow and click on the diffuse map button
Select the bitmap option now pick the two wood jpg one by one
Now assign to the objects
[15]-Again make a brown material also
[16]-This is the Final Image after render the perspective view port