Andy Bushak always been interested in trade. It traded at a time when I was in the Naval Academy in Annapolis, and when he was a halfback playing football for the "Cleveland Browns". However, Andy did not consider his career as a trader when started, yet he has not received adequate commercial "education." He is actively traded on his own account since mid-1980's, and sometimes sold to hedge fund. Currently, he works with Tom Joseph in the "Advanced GET" and regularly conducts seminars with Michael Kvanbekom. He has made a significant contribution to the development of many concepts of price and time, working in the "Advanced GET". In trade, he specializes in intra-day trade futures, trade on the movement of currencies and positional trade shares.
Trading as a game
Trade like a game of football. What determines the professional level of your game? Preparation is key. A whole week passes before you go out to play with opponents. You are viewing a movie from playing another team, you start to follow the team, players, etc. Then, you treniruetes. When it comes to play, you do not have to think - all that you do - this reaction. I do the same when preparing for the trade. I collect information from more market pictures. I look at some long-term charts to check the trend and see whether there is a long-term trading opportunity.
I work with some tools and Hanna Fibona chchi to obtain good levels of support and resistance. The following graph shows the price value at the time when I zafiksiroval this piece.

Since I did the homework, then when the market starts trading days and start to develop the model, all that I must do - is to respond appropriately. My reactions are guided by my level of support / resistance and trade strategy, based on rules that correspond to this situation.
Therefore, as a result, trade has become as easy game. Follow the schedule of shows in my day, and levels of strategy that was used with them in this case. The following report shows the actual long position entered about 50%-level recovery, after having been installed at least the 5th wave to my predefined levels. I went out 4 contracts at the level of awards / risk on the same day and left a 1 contract for the next day from placing the appropriate stop-order.

Market position works in the same way, but you have a little more time to think about it. You conclude their transactions in the afternoon, possibly even on a weekly schedule, but it is the same process. You did your homework, the market is in your target zone, and you just react: you have your orders, and the foot and plan their exits. Maybe you leave some of them, because you can never see these prices again. Traders, who have seen me in action over the years, know that I am holding some key positions in the stocks, like IBM and AMGN in those years. What I'm trying to do - as soon as possible to move to risk status.
For example, with the shares of which are at historically low prices, I take the profit from the share positions and regulate its stop-order in such a way as to remain loss-free. If the trend develops, I will still remain at a profit. If the trend continues to evolve further, I entered the market at a price that may not give to get back.
If you have some good rules, you should get rid of unnecessary emotions that can hinder trade. Once you reach the state where you do not have to think too much and you just react to events, the emotions are under control. The only way to achieve this state is to know his subject. This is what we are trying to do in our seminars. If you know "their opponents on the playing field" (in other words, you've done the necessary homework in advance), then play with time becomes much easier. I always tell people that I have the best job in the world. I continue to trade full-time and spend seminars to communicate with other traders. For me, trading on E-mini allows you to offset the operating costs, and my position on the transaction shares typically have the highest incomes.