Knowing everything about the details of the web hosting services and all the existing websites over the internet may seem to be quite intimidating

Need for paid web hosting – problems with the free web hosting services
Sure thing, you may opt for free hosting services, but no sooner will you get tired of the ads put up on your site by your web host forcibly, and other restrictions like the download limit, monthly traffic limit as well as the unreasonable downtime durations. You can’t really rely on free hosting services, if you are serious about creating your online identity. Moreover, the paid hosting services offer a whole lot of advanced features that are missing in the free services. So, looking at the demand for the paid hosting services, you’ll soon realize that there are a whole lot of advantages of running a web hosting provider program. You may simply opt for a good reseller hosting plans, and generate good revenues by offering web hosting services to your pals at lower rates, without really getting into any of the technical issues. However, you must select a reliable host, otherwise you may need to face serious repercussions.
What’s more, the average cost per year for webmaster is not pretty high, costing somewhere around $3000-$3500 on an average while the average net profit for any good web hosting company is usually in the range of $10,000-$25,000 to begin with.
Size of the web hosting market
The size of web hosting market is virtually beyond anyone’s imagination, as hundreds of new websites surface up every single day over the internet. Moreover, web hosting services are literally like air and water to survive in the online world. It all starts with domain registration and site hosting, and only then can you further think of
Predictions for future growth
The market of web hosting services is an ever booming one, as everyone needs web hosting services forever. It is an on-going business, so you can be sure of a better turnover every single year, so long as you keep your customers satisfied enough with your services.
Remember, nobody wants to keep on changing web hosts every now and then, so until the customers don’t find a reason to change the hosting plan, or you fail to offer certain features, which they are badly looking out for, the chances are high that they will stick on to your hosting services. As a result, your annual revenues will surely boost up further in the next few years or so. So, probably it’s about time you tried offering your own web hosting services and made some handy cash.