
If you’re concerned about the purity of the water in your home, there are plenty of options out there to solve the problem. Anything from attaching something to your faucet, to pitchers that you pop in your fridge. Well this Zuvo Water Purator is probably one of the most thorough out there. It has a five step filtration process to make sure your water stays nice and safe. If that weren’t enough to convince you, they also donate 5% of their profits to water purification programs in developing countries.

The first step of the process is ozonation which treats the taste of the water, then there is the ultraviolet light that cleans the water, photo-oxidation combines the UV and ozone process and further treats the water. Then it does a filtration process that also removes lead and finally it does a post-filatration UV ensuring that the water is clean and healthy. You can install this on the counter or get rid of the extra clutter and keep it underneath your counter. They’ll of course include instructions for both ways. You can purchase the Zuvo Water Purator for $199.99 from SmartHome.

Source: SlipperyBrick


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