Step 1
Step 2
Now get an image of The Beatles Abbey Road cd.
Step 3
With the Pen Tool(P) lets create paths, you can use white for the stroke color. Tip: Don’t use fill.
Step 4
Here lets change the stroke settings, to do that, select all paths and then go to the type of Stroke and select Stroke Options... Use the image below for reference and values.
After that click on the Advanced button. Play with the settings to see how they change the strokes, then just group the paths.
Step 5
Duplicate the group 3 times so there will be 4 groups. After that apply a Gaussian Blur with 2 radius to the 2 groups on the top. Then select the 4 groups and change the Blend Mode to Overlay.
Step 6
The Beatles are shining, now we have to do the crosswalk. Create a rectangle (it will use the same stroke settings we used before). Copy this rectangle several times, after that aling and distribute them like the image below. Then group the rectangles.
Step 7
Use the Distort tool to adjust the perspective of the rectangles. Use the photo for reference and try to follow the vanish points. After that add a Gaussian Blur with 1.3 radius and change the Blend Mode to Overlay. Duplicate this group to make it brighter.